I probably enjoy almost everything about Thanksgiving, and the traditions that surround this holiday.
I deeply appreciate the religious focus. Starting the celebration by going to church and thanking The Trinitarian God of the Bible sets the tone. I get to remember what God has done and continues to do in the lives of His People. While the panorama of salvation (displayed from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22: 21) is still the most astonishing thing I'm privileged to enjoy, many other simpler gifts have touched my life.
One of these simpler gifts is leftovers. Mother does astonishing things with these dibs and dabs. Don't get me wrong, some of the Thanksgiving Dinner went immediately into the freezer. We've had replications of the Thanksgiving Dinner for several meals, without the football and conversation. (Especially, without MOM'S EGGNOG!)
Tonight, we had one of my favorite things about THANKSGIVING: Turkey Carcass soup. Yes, I know, the name is less than appealing. I don't care! This is good stuff!
When that Turkey is originally carved, you don't need to worry about pulling each tiny bit off the bone. The bones and extra meat are going into a broth and get boiled for about 300 years. (More Or Less) Then The Bones and bone slivers get taken out, leaving the extraordinary flavor… And probably dissolved calcium. Carrots, Celery, Onions, leftover gravy, leftover dressing/stuffing and anything else that you want to toss into the mix gets tossed into the mix.
It may never taste the same way twice in a row, but it is always a treat. And frugal. And I can claim that it is Paleo, until I add Parmesan Toast.
I highly recommend this. Something vaguely similar shows up in the Wise Bread blog when they discuss out to eat for a full week on one chicken. Check it out here
So… What are your favorite things to do with leftovers?
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