HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2013 hold many wonderful things for you and yours.
These "threshold times" give us an opportunity to look back. We see the things we did well and want to continue. We see the things that we wish we had done differently.
This year, things are particularly poignant for my extended family. It seems that my stepfather has gone way downhill between December 10 and today. At the moment, we're waiting to hear the results of tests… They withdrew 1200 CC's of fluid from his lung yesterday. (NO, it is not a typo. I sure wish it was.)
Regardless of the results, this signals the beginning of changes in the extended family. We're all getting older. Our parents are getting older.
Take time to speak the loving and encouraging words that are lurking in your heart. Take the actions that you intend to "one of these days." Speak the things that are most important to you, speak to those you care about.
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