I'm not really in the mood to post today. I will, mind you. If nothing else, I am practicing regular posting instead of waiting until I feel like it.
Besides, it is probably time for another cluster of random things that I find interesting. Your mileage may vary.
- http://ohlife.com/
- I liked Paul McCain's posting, "The Secret to Getting People to Come to Church—Shocking and Amazing!!" http://cyberbrethren.com/2013/01/11/the-secret-to-getting-people-to-come-to-church-shocking-and-amazing/
It even suggests one simple tool. It may not be as up to date as some of the things at http://www.internettoolboxforchurches.com/ , but it trusts God's Word to be Performative.
I keep hearing about the benefits of journaling. Writers are among the first that I've learned of how use this tool. People who are working on emotional change seemed to benefit. Gardeners… People who love trying new recipes… Pretty much everyone but me. I'm already trying to start so many new habits, I don't need another one! If I did, I might start here http://ohlife.com/
Of course, before I started, I would ask about how Security Works. Still, this sounds like it would work for me. It is a journal and not a blog. It is done via email instead of going to yet another website. They e-mail a daily question, I answer when I feel like it. RATS! I'm almost talking myself into doing this!
Steadfast Lutherans posted an article, "When Life Throws You a Curveball" at http://steadfastlutherans.org/?p=26007
With the rash of friends and family facing real struggles right now, maybe it would be useful for me to share this more widely
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