Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Two Old Movies, and a New One

I have been on something of a "movie binge" recently. Yes, I'm usually juggling three other things while the movie is on, but still… It counts. I think. Maybe…

I'm not going to tell you that I watched COWBOYS VERSUS ALIENS. It was every bit as bad as it sounds. I do not have any idea how Harrison Ford got roped into that one.

For that matter, I'm not entirely sure how I got roped into watching that one…

I will admit to watching the 1950s flick "Last of the Buccaneers" with Paul Henreid. 79 min. or so… Then lost my attention. When the jungle-covered mountains of Galveston seemed to have cannibals. Maybe if I had watched longer I would see that they were really Native Americans in league with the Aliens and thought that the pirate Jean Lafitte and his men were really Cowboys. Or not.

Then I saw that in 1935 then made the movie that was remade in 1982 with Julie Andrews. I thought that a woman playing a man playing a woman was a recent plot! In "FIRST A GIRL" the main characters were so similar to the ones in "Victor/Victoria," that it was quite disappointing. Even the female impersonator was Victor/Victoria! They did not play up the "gay theme" in the 1935 version. It was quite refreshing.

Today, I saw DINESH D'SOUZA's "America: Imagine the World without Her." It was well done. I enjoyed it. I particularly appreciated the fact that he can talk AND LISTEN to people that he may not always agree with. When he presents what they say, he does so fairly and accurately.

Even if you disagree with everything he says, I think you may want to see the movie.

When I grow up I want to be more like him.

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