Friday, September 27, 2019

17 Most Bizarre Toys Ever

17 Most Bizarre Toys Ever
From the many phallic shaped toys to the extremely inappropriate childs' strippers pole here are the top strangest toys ever made. Subscribe to Hectic Express 8.WTF Minion You can’t escape the Minions, the seemingly unstoppable marketing machine who spew nonsense and silliness. One father in the US, Paul Butts (HA. Butts) was livid after getting a minion figurine from McDonald’s for his daughters. When tapped the toy seemed to say “I’ll be damned” followed by “What the f**k?”. Butts posted a video of it to YouTube to highlight the issue. McDonald’s has defended the toy stating that the toy is speaking in pure gibberish, the made-up language of Minionese. This is a classic example of apophenia, whereby the brain attempts to construct meaning out of random patterns. BANANA! 7.Toy Airport Scanner Playset Playsets really help children role play a variety of scenarios. Want to be a doctor, or a fireman? Play dress up and let the imagination loose! But if my kids asked me to buy them the TSA cosplay-set, the Airport Security Scanner I’d probably be a little disappointed. Pretending to screen people’s personal items as everyone gets irritated by the long lines and confiscating overly large tubes of toothpaste doesn’t seem like the most exciting scenario I can think of. However, pretending to be stuck at a low-end menial job will certainly give their imaginations a work out, wishing they were somewhere better. 6.Pet Rock Conceived by marketing mastermind Gary Dahl, who must have been seriously stoned, after hearing his friends complaining about all their pet's requirements and needs. And while it initially started out as a joke but the idea took off and by Christmas of 1976 he’d made over a million dollars. The rocks were sourced from Rosarito Beach in Mexico and transported on a bed of straw in individualised boxes. Dahl said the cardboard boxes were the biggest expense of the whole endeavor. 5.Kaba Kick The worst part about Russian Roulette is that it’s only for grown ups! Well, now you can play too! Kaba Kick allows players to load the fun gun, point it at their heads and pull the trigger! But instead of having their face partially blown off, if they lose a pink hippo’s foot comes out and gives them a kick in the face! What fun! 4.Harry Potter Vibrating broom Mattel’s Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 broomstick was a major hit and coincided with the release of the massively popular Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Teenage girls everywhere couldn't get enough of the vibrating broomstick. Parents were in uproar when they realised this seemingly innocuous magical artefact had been secretly awakening their children’s sexuality. Mattel quietly recalled the sensational product. 3.Punisher Toy This shape-shiftin’ toy for Toy Biz is supposed to turn Frank Castle, the fearsome Punisher, into a hand-held pistol. Aiming violent, murdering vigilantes who transform into handguns at children is questionable at best, but it’s what happens halfway through the transformation that really raises eyebrows. And the funniest part is that he looks so darned excited about it. Punisher was most recently seen in Netflix’s Daredevil show where, unfortunately, he didn't sport an oversized crotch-rocket. 2.Toypedo Alright, let’s unpack this. Firstly, the name. I get it. It’s a toy shaped like a torpedo. You had to tell people it wasn’t a real torpedo. So, it’s a Toy Torpedo. Toypedo. The instant you said that aloud should have been the moment everyone in the room went “Nah...that...that doesn’t work”. But, no, you must have forged ahead. You even coloured the “Toy” part in blue and the “PEDO” part in red, just in case no one already thought it sounded dodgy. And then you emblazon the packaging with an image of a smiling child, joyously drawing a phallus perilously close to his face. What were you thinking?! 1.Kenner’s Alien Figure The 1979 sci-fi horror classic is a disturbing analysis of isolation, ruthless capitalism, and psycho-sexual terror in the form of the the phallic-headed, body-invading nightmare that is the alien. It’s also a hard R-rated film. So Kenner thought it would be a great idea to market Alien toys to children! The Alien, designed by the techno-organically, erotically obsessed Swiss surrealist artist H.R Giger, whose conception of the Alien was a primal parasite, a sexually invasive, disturbing reflection of mankind becomes a fully-poseable 18 inch action figure! It’s chunky, phallic tongue even shot out of its head! Kenner even released a commercial aimed at kids which is hilarious to watch in retrospect. The toy was shelved shortly afterward.
via YouTube

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