Friday, June 27, 2014

Field Trip: Lanier theological Library & Clementine's Restaurant

With all my delight about being able to use my TetraMouse, I forgot to tell you about my field trip!

A group of us from Zion, Tomball went on a delightful exploration on Friday, June 20, 2014. We started off at Lanier Theological Library, a new feature of the greater Houston area.  I don't think it has been around a long time, maybe four or five years. It's quite a little complex! There's a nifty replica of a Byzantine chapel that was my favorite part. I particularly like the fact that it has electricity and air conditioning! Those Byzantine dead folk were really ahead of their time, particularly in light of Houston heat and humidity.

Seriously, I really enjoy that stone chapel. I like the way the images create an opportunity for catechesis. It is kind of like little icons on your computer desktop or cell phone giving clues to the possibilities, once you open the software.

The library is equally impressive. From the floor to the very high ceiling, wall to wall, room to room… Books! Are! EVERYWHERE! Since I can't hold books anymore, I will have to be content with my own digital theological library from LOGOS, with additions from Kindle for PC and Nook for PC.

The next stop was Clementine's Restaurant. It has decor that resembles a street scene. At that time, it was not very busy. The food was generous, appropriately priced, and GOOD. I had the Blackened Tilapia.

Then, a large part of the group went to Our Savior Lutheran Church. This congregation is always a treat to visit. The architecture and art, again, serve as a teaching tool for explaining THE FAITH. Pastor Lawrence White office is another theological library with books in English, German, Greek, and Hebrew. There may be some Latin thrown in for fun and profit…

Some of us went to Adaptive Driving Access in Houston. Who knew that wheelchair-accessible vans could be interesting to look at?!? They even have ramps that slide in under the floor…

You still would not want to share a freeway way for me if I could drive…

I don't mean to go for an adventure for a while. I am still recovering. :-)

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